My First Post

A Little Introduction

Eve Fedyk
3 min readMar 13, 2021
Image by <a href=”;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=5779323">Renan Brun</a> from <a href=”;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=5779323">Pixabay</a>

Like every other writer on here, I love writing. It’s why we do it. Also, like every other person writing on here, I have a lot of interests and experiences to share. So, lets start at the beginning. Hi. My name is Eve, and I’m a human from this big rock called Earth.

I started my adventure here on Earth near the end of the twentieth century. I remember a time before internet, cellphones, and playing outside unsupervised. I also remember riding in the back of pickup trucks, hitchhiking, and the cold war. Honestly, it’s a wonder any of us survived. But alas, here we are.

I grew up in the most unconventional family imaginable for a West Canadian. My father was absolutely convinced that the apocalypses was going to happen before the year 2020. I’m pretty sure he took the movie Mad Max to heart. Because of his paranoia, we lived in rural locations, learned to hunt and fish, learned to forage, and learned how to build shelters and fires at a very young age.

While that sounds Grizzly Adams awesome, there were some down sides. It’s really hard to make lasting connections with peers when you move around a lot. My best friend was my cat, which was perfect. We always agreed and I didn’t have to share my toys if I didn’t want to. Unlike my two brothers that didn’t get to have much ownership of their possessions. Just to add a bit more fuel to this fun life, I was born breach with learning dysphoria, which is a fancy way of saying I’m not capable of learning in conventional studies. Moving so much also meant neither of my parents had long term stable employment. Remember, this was pre-internet. There were no keyboard warriors yet.

Having a lack of personal connections and a surplus of time meant I got to do what humans do naturally… Create. I learned as many art mediums and craft disciplines as I possibly could. It was normal for me to whittle, crochet, bake, write, and paint all on the same day. So many years later, it still is.

There are so many choices, but none of them made me feel secure. I wanted to be a teacher and help children that were unable to learn traditional methods. That’s not exactly what I did, but close. I decided to become a preschool teacher. I figured that as long as people were having babies, I would have a job. For more years than I care to admit, that’s exactly what I did. What I didn’t foresee was the burn out.

I truly did love working with children. They are little bundles of pure potential. All that unharnessed energy is extremely emotionally draining. After some time I started to lose my patience and my ability to keep calm. I decided to leave before I started to lose my temper as well. After all, they’re kids. Knowledge isn’t enough to be a good teacher. Knowing when your time is done and not staying for the paycheck is probably the hardest thing any preschool teacher can do. Most don’t. They stay way past their expiration date. I don’t blame them, but that wasn’t the right path for me. When the school year ended, I retired.

Now I’m on my next chapter. I live with my husband and son in our very average suburban home. We have a cat, dog, and lots of fish. I have returned to my love of art and practice daily. My passions change with my mood. One day I might be all about reading tarot. The next day I could be all about how to fix a poking underwire.

I have no idea what this adventure holds, but I look forward to sharing it with you.

Eve Fedyk



Eve Fedyk

I am an artist that loves animals and recharges in nature.